This year was awesome in many ways, and not quite as awesome in others. For instance, our tree is totally naked from four feet down because our toddlers couldn't seem to leave the ornaments alone. We also didn't have any nails so the stockings never saw the wall.
Santa made a stop at my mother-in-laws before making his runs last night!
How lucky are we?!
She didn't appreciate that too much.
And neither did he. Infact, when Santa gave him his gift,
Nicoali shook his head "no" and reached for his mommy.
(I'm so proud of that outfit!
The pants started out as scraps from Joanns, and the shirt started out a plane white onesie.)
Here we are getting ready for the family Christmas party...
Unwrapping presents...
Anastasia with Grandma J, and Nicolai with his new drum and horse/mop (since that's what he thinks it is).

Right after trying it on, she decided to try it out. Right on the kitchen floor.
Princess with her new Fur Real kitty, from Pah-pah S.
And a few of my new favorite photos.
My first post of Daddy!
I really love this picture. I love the light and the way the camera focused.
I tried for for-EVER to get a picture of him infront of the tree.
Here he is again, being the best Daddy ever!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!