I have finally made a pair of pants that my kids can wear more than once! I figured out how to get my machine to make sturdier stitches and to keep fabric from fraying. The back waist-line is alittle low and from the knees up is alittle tight for my liking, but I'm just happy they fit :D

Two and then another for a tutorial I'm making. I wanted something simple, fast (everything I make has to be fast, seeing as I do it all during our 1 year olds nap time), and somewhat pretty. I love them! I know that no one but family reads my blogs, but if someone else is in my situation, maybe it will help. Also, you can totally tell I've only been sewing for two weeks, but in the right hands, this technique may yeild wonderful results :)
In three days, my camera will arrive in the mail!
So until three days from now my pictures will continue to suck :D
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