I can't believe Christmas is here already. I can't believe that the Mr. and I have been together for nearly 5 years now. I look at our children and wonder, what happened? Who are these kids and where are my little babies?
They're growing up!
I tried starting a blog for them but it was so much work. This one was originally for my projects, to help me learn, and to document everything that I've made so that years from now I could look back and remember. But I've decided to change the name, and turn it into something more for my family. My side lives on the other side of the U.S. so I'll use it not only to show them what I've been up to, but what the kids have been up to as well.

A more simpler one, Nicolai's first initial...
Toddlers are not very cooperative models. It's not as off-center as it looks.
My sister in law has a friend that had her baby and is going through a tough time, so she asked me if I had any baby clothes. We just moved and I threw away BAGS of Nicolai's old clothes. If only I had known sooner! So I scraped every little article of clothing I could find. If my sister in law were going a few days later I could have actually bought something for her. One of the onesies, I painted a J, for baby Joseph.
Since Anastasia's Christmas Dress won't be done in time, I took a white onesie and did this to it.
I love how the thread stays white.
I'm much better at dyeing than painting! I don't have a printer right now so i had to draw the snowflake X_X
We took the kids Christmas shopping tonight. Since they're only 1 and 2, they don't know that half the toys are for them. They didn't even notice the things in the cart. Next year won't be so easy...
He got tired out half-way through. Hooray for big strong Daddy arms!
And that's all for now.
Until next time,
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